New ‘Everywhere is Queer’ App for LGBTQ Travelers

New ‘Everywhere is Queer’ App for LGBTQ Travelers

A new app called “Everywhere is Queer” is connecting travelers with LGBTQ-owned and Queer-friendly businesses around the world. Them interviewed founder and creator Charlie Sprinkman on how they hatched the idea and how the app works. 

The idea hit Charlie Sprinkman, when they were working for an organic beverage company, which required traveling across the country. But as they hopped from state to state, Charlie found it difficult to find LGBTQ+ friendly spots to hangout. The solution? A digital map or queer-owned businesses, and an official database for queer folks to use while they travel.

Sprinkman launched their website in 2022 and since then it has grown to include over 13,000 LGBTQ+ owned small businesses, online businesses, services and community groups around the world, according to Them

Everywhere is Queer is not only a resource for local, regional and global tourism, but it’s also a lifestyle resource. Other application features include a job board where users can find LGBTQ+ and ally-owned businesses that are hiring and a private Discord server for queer businesses owners to network.

The app gives recommendations for everything from beauty and glam businesses to eateries, bookstores, and bars. Whatever you might need, you’ll probably find a related listing.

Sprinkman built the app while working a full-time corporate job, but as the idea developed, it became easier to recruit applicants to add to the directory. Sprinkman shared with Them that at the beginning they reached out to queer-owned businesses often, but now they receive between 100-200 applications from queer-owned businesses each day.

Positive feedback is coming in from users as well, a business owner from Frisco, Texas shared that they gained 15 new customers after being added to the app’s directory.

Since launching, Everywhere is Queer has been downloaded 80,000 times on iOS and Android devices. And though the impact may be large, Everywhere is Queer is still a small company with only three contracted employees aside from Sprinkman.

As anti-transgender and homophobic legislation sweeps the country, unifying resources like Everywhere is Queer are more important than ever. Not only does Sprinkman’s app promote LGBTQ+ and ally-owned businesses, but it signals to users that there are plenty of safe and accepting spaces in their communities and around the world. 

Everywhere is Queer has also partnered with organizations like OutCare and GLMA (Health Professional Advancing LGBTQ+ Equality), gender-affirming and queer-affirming health care directories, to inform users of how they can find the best care.

Having a map of these spaces, especially in more conservative states is a lifesaver for those looking to connect with others in the queer community, and it’s also great for tourism. 

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