Destinations Where The Sun Never Sets

Destinations Where The Sun Never Sets

We may be used to waking up with the sun and going about our days until nightfall, but there are places around the world where, during parts of the year, the sun never sets. Call it the midnight sun or the polar day, either way this happens in various countries in the the Northern Hemisphere that extend into or are close to the Arctic Circle during s summer months (June through September).

What the midnight sun means for travelers is a lot more daytime hours to see the sights, losing track of time, and emerging from late nights at dinner or a bar to a bright day…even if it’s 2 A.M. It’s important for travelers to note that these locations may have endless sunlight in the summer months, but the catch 22 is that the winter sees total darkness for long periods of time. If you’re planning a trip to any of these locations and want to avoid the dark and cold periods, research exactly what periods the sun doesn’t shine before you book!


During the month of June in Iceland, the sun never sets. Visit during this time of year and you’ll likely have to utilize blackout curtains in your accommodation just to get some shut eye. But you will also have extra daylight to see Iceland’s waterfalls, glaciers, hot springs, and incredible natural elements, which make it the perfect destination for nature-lovers. 


Nordic countries are famous for their wintry wonders, but many may underestimate just how wondrous a summer vacation in these northern European countries can be. Norway has been dubbed the Land of the Midnight Sun, according to Times of India. Between May and late July the sun never sets. That’s right, two full months of sun. It’s enough to hold any Northern Hemisphere resident over through the dark and cold winter months. Farther north in Norway, up near Svalbard, the sun shines between April 10 and August 23, and you can visit this city which is the northernmost inhabited area of Norway.


Another Nordic wonder, Finland, offers a similar experience to Norway. In most parts of this country, for 73 days during the summer the sun shines, and during the winter, little to no sunlight is seen. According to Times of India, this often results in the general population getting more sleep in the winter and less during the summer. But if you had the opportunity to act like it’s 2 P.M. at 2 A.M. wouldn’t you?


Like the other Nordic countries, in the north of Sweden the sun never sets between May and late August. If you visit Stockholm, a city at the tip of Sweden’s southern border, you’ll notice in the summer the sun might stay up until around 10 P.M. Though it’s not as warm as other climates, with the temperate weather and constant sunshine, visitors can indulge in outdoor activities in Sweden’s beautiful countryside.


Between late May and late July, the sun doesn’t set in this part of the U.S.  However, Alaska also faces the polar night when the sun doesn’t rise at all starting at the beginning of November and continuing for 30 days. Long nights continue throughout the winter in Alaska, but you’ve got to have the dark so you can appreciate the light!


In some northern parts of Canada located in the Arctic Circle, around two months of daylight endure, while in the winter about 30 days of the season are total darkness. Should you visit during the summer months, utilize that extra time to see amazing vistas, enjoy hot springs and natural wonders, and visit historical and natural monuments which northern Canada is full of.

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