If you are looking for a place to relax on your next vacation, Book Retreats’ Global Relaxation Index might have a destination that works for you.
The report finds that although it’s easy to love destinations like France, Turkey, Spain, and Italy for their sunny beaches, mountain villages, epic cuisines, and stunning architecture, these locations are not where you’ll find peace this year. UN Tourism figures indicate that these destinations attract over 55 million visitors each year.
Even though it may be tempting to book your next trip to France or Italy, consider these more tranquil locations vetted by Book Retreats.
At the top of the overall list for its calm vibe and lack of crowding, Australia is the perfect spot for a peaceful getaway. Here, just 3.4 people occupy each kilometer squared. In second place is Canada, followed by Iceland, Finland, and New Zealand.
If you still want to opt for Europe, Book Retreats recommends Northern Europe for its rich wellness traditions, and safe and quiet environments, which give Mediterranean destinations a run for their money. Five of the top ten destinations in Europe include Norway, Estonia, Sweden, Austria, and Finland.
In Asia, the leading relaxation destination is Japan which provides the perfect fusion of city life, wellness, and nature. The country offers over 9,000 unique wellness experiences.
Access to natural landscapes is a common thread in most destinations, as actively and passively spending time outdoors is often linked to health and relaxation. The list ranks the top five best destinations for nature as: Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, Bolivia, and Japan.
For anxious travelers, the top five best destinations for safety include Iceland, Ireland, Austria, New Zealand, and Switzerland.
Where do you want to go? Choose your favorite destination at Passport Magazine.