Hostel Myths Debunked: What You Need To Know About These Budget-Friendly Accommodations

Hostel Myths Debunked: What You Need To Know About These Budget-Friendly Accommodations

Hostels have long acquired a reputation for catering to day trippers, backpackers, penny pinchers, and above all, young people. However, hostels are not exclusively for traveling youth. In fact, they can often be a safe, affordable, accommodating and fun place to stay for travelers of all ages. So you don’t have to be a twenty-something on a six month stint abroad to book a bed. You can also be a tourist staying for a week, a few days, or passing through and still enjoy your stay.

On the whole, hostels get a bad rap, so we’re debunking some myths about these budget friendly accommodations that might make you more inclined to try one on your next trip. 


MYTH: Hostels are crowded, uncomfortable and unclean.

DEBUNKED: If you make sure to book your stay at highly rated hostels on platforms like Hostelworld, you’ll find they might be cleaner and more comfortably equipped than short term rentals like Airbnb and Vrbo, or even an affordable hotel. All hostel beds are fitted with clean sheets and comfy pillows. Shared common spaces are stylishly designed and easily accessible, and are often tailored to digital nomads, tired backpackers, and guests of all ages. 



MYTH: Hostels are cheap due to poor guest experiences and hospitality.

DEBUNKED: First of all, hostels are most often cheap, but prices can increase depending on seasonal heights, room demand, and the popularity of your destination. The best hostels are going to cost more out of pocket, but will often offer more amenities, curated experiences, more comfortable sleeping quarters, and elevated common spaces. 


Proximity & Safety

MYTH: Hostels are located in unsafe areas and away from main attractions.

DEBUNKED: Quite on the contrary, in many cities hostels are very centrally located and are just a short walk away from main squares, or located within them. This makes it easy to get around on foot. You’ll also almost always have a 24-hour hostel staff member to ensure your safety and give you suggestions for places to go nearby. Staff members are responsive to safety requests and don’t tolerate harassment or abuse from your fellow guests.



MYTH: Hostels offer the bare minimum accommodations to guests.

DEBUNKED: Though there may not be a bellhop at your hostel to help manage your requests, you’ll find that hostels are often equipped with many amenities to suit your stay. Many have gyms, self-service laundry and kitchens, some have bars, cafes, pools, and free guided tours and outings. Sure, many amenities are shared, but there’s no better way to make friends and get travel tips. Importantly, all have strong WiFi and spaces for travelers who are working on the go, digital nomads, and those who are hoping to shoot an email or video chat with a friend from home. 



MYTH: Hostels don’t provide guests with entertaining experiences or offerings.

DEBUNKED: At an Airbnb or standard hotel or resort you would surely need to manage your own itinerary, and find ways to get out, see the sites, enjoy entertainment, and have a ball. But at hostels, access to entertainment is often built into your stay. Many hostels offer in-house karaoke nights, open mics, game nights, and other events, but they also can take you bar-hopping, on a guided street tour, to see live music, and go dancing. These outings may occasionally include a small fee, but are often free of charge and are included for all guests.


Age Range 

MYTH: Only people under 30 stay in hostels

DEBUNKED: Though it is highly likely that you will see a majority of young people at your hostel, you will also find that many older adults from all generations are taking advantage of the affordability, fun, and comfort that hostels provide. Don’t miss out on the fun, embrace the community mindset, and have the best trip ever!

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